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Best selling author and US Navy SEAL, Thom Shea discusses what life is like when you stop quitting and become the best version of yourself.


Jul 29, 2018

As we parents all get ready for the upcoming academic year or if our once kids are now adults and we prepare ourselves for the upcoming year, I want to begin this podcast with a note to you.

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Parenting isn’t a joke. It is the most important job you have. Parenting is...

Jul 22, 2018

7 rules of a powerful life

  1. Find your design
  2. Pursue Physical health
  3. Focus on The One
  4. Pursue what you value
  5. Emotional Stability
  6. Pursue primary relationships every day
  7. Disrupt and Fail to grow

These are the 7 rules of leading and having a powerful life. A life you own. A life you will grow and nurture and live into....

Jul 16, 2018

Earn your life.  Master the basics and don't take shortcuts.  Every step matters, even the ones that go backward.  Start over and be willing to try again.  You have a gift and the only way to realize your gift is by earning it. 

Sign up for the 13 Unbreakable Lessons


Jul 7, 2018

My commitment to you in the podcast is to speak to you about a truth that seems to be utterly lost today both in business and in youth. That truth is there are no shortcuts toward success.

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 Lesson Nine

Why this topic? For the last five years I have watched and taught many hundreds of people and leaders to...

Jul 2, 2018

I know the value of independence. I truly get it. There is not a moment that goes by that I am not reminded in some way of the value of being a US citizen and living in this country. But most people have forgotten what it took to get here and what it takes to preserve this state of independence. And that forgetting...