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Best selling author and US Navy SEAL, Thom Shea discusses what life is like when you stop quitting and become the best version of yourself.


Jan 24, 2022

What does it take to succeed?


Let’s cut to the end credits and realize two truths,

  1. You may never reach the goal you want to reach, 80% of the population never really get to it. That is a fact.
  2. No one ever said they trained too hard. No one studied too much and dominated a test.  No one worked out too hard and dominated the field.


Don’t quit just because the two truths of success are now up front and in your face.  Stop being such a frail child when facing these truths.


Here are some things you can do and realize that get you as close as you possibly can be to succeeding at whatever you have in front of you:



No one is coming to help you until it is completely broken, your mom, your dad, the cops, your professor, your boss, you lover, your wife or husband, no one.  Jesus or God, won’t make a special appearance for you.


Action:  since no one is coming, stop looking for a way out and keep hammering and evolving until you can begin to see improvement.



If you are going to run a 100 mile race you have to run 100 miles a week.  Simple non emotional what you must do to succeed.


Action:  Literally don’t go to a race without preparing.  It may take you a year until you are ready.  Don’t show up half-baked.  Start out with 3 miles a day.  Then add miles.  It is that simple.



School doesn’t mimic real life at all.  In real, life there is no answer key, there are few pre set answers.



Get out of the habit you learned in school to pre pare for a pre set answer test.  Stop putting off engaging in a solution in real life like you did prior to test time in school.  Real life is every day all the time.








Nothing works until it does.  This fact pisses off most people.  Some may get a skill and win early, some late, some never.


Action:  do that action for 21 days straight, if you miss a day start over.  Once you have done something for 21 days straight you can adjust and make a decision.  1/10000 can do a simple task for 21 days, that is why most never experience success.



If someone else has gone up the mountain you are going, ask them for help.  That fact of imitation is real and effective and few use it. 


Action:  Call up the person or read what that person suggests will work.  Integrate the exact details of how they solved it into your 21 day cycle.  At 21 days you can evolve and adapt but for gods sake you need to commit to something before you tuck tail and quit.



Number one reason or excuse people use to not win or to stop is this hurts or will hurt.


Action:  birth hurts the baby and the mom.  Get over it.  Getting yelled at hurts emotionally.  Get over it.  Running so hard you puke hurts.  Get over it.  Studying until 4 am hurts. Get over it.  Losing 2 million dollars in a failed partnership hurts.  Get over it.


You will lose more times that you will win.  The fundamental truth of every single thing you will try or any path leading anywhere.



Plan and embrace hard times and get good at things that suck.  Let the suck expose your weaknesses.




Competition is hard.  There will always be one winner and the rest are not winners.  If you have that weak of an emotional disposition you will never win even if you get number one trophy.



Keep trying.  If people around you put down the people who win at the thing you are trying to win, kick those losers out of your life.  Win by winning




Physical and emotional fights are supposed to happen.  The most pressure, the more strain the more fights happen.  You will be called names by loved ones, you will be punched and physically assaulted by friends and foes.  Bullying is always going to happen.  The space between control and lack of control is filled with things like bullying, punching, degrading, put-downs and all the other lack of control mechanisms.



Forgive yourself be fighting and being mean.  Forgive others for doing it to you.  Learn to notice lack of control quicker and help others gain some control.



You will give up on yourself and so with people you count on.  Listen stop lying to yourself and others, stop thinking everything will go well.




Before you learn any other skill.  Learn how to heal and recover and start over.  No matter what sport or job or life you have spent 20% of the time while practicing starting over, or dealing with injury, or facing loss or facing never win situations.  Practice losing and then keeping in the game.



Not every person you date or even marry is the right partner for you.  They just are not.  Our society has demolished the institution of marriage as a process and made it an event. 



Slow down.  Go on a camping vacation with them in a cold or rainy environment.  Go meet their parents. 



9 to 5 jobs are no longer a way to live your life.  If you are working 5 days a week from 9 to 5 it is guaranteed you will not have that job for more that 6 years.



Get trained or train yourself to have a skill you can use and apply in a job and get paid for it.  A diploma is useless.  A skill is treasured.