Sep 25, 2017
In this extraordinary episode, I talk with Isaac Lidsky, actor on Saved by the Bell to best selling author of Eyes Wide Open. We discuss the gift of losing his sight and the enhanced life that came of it.
Subscribe and listen to a real story of coming back from loss to have an extraordinary life.
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Sep 18, 2017
Emotionally traumatic experiences are prevalent in our society, but few people understand the power they can have over our lives. The darkest demons that emerge from these experiences are often the most subtle and difficult to uncover. They can drive us into isolation, make us feel distant from the world, and leave us...
Sep 10, 2017
Remember the ones who died in the towers by loving the ones who remain. Remember the warriors who went to war so that you could do whatever you wanted to do here at home in whatever fashion you wanted to. Remember you can pursue your happiness, your life is safe, and your liberties are here because of those who go to...
Sep 4, 2017
What does an Unbreakable life look like? A Navy SEAL's guide to creating a life of success and X-Factor growth in all areas of your life. Follow these basic principals and take your life to the next level.
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Unbreakable: A Navy SEAL's Way of Life
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